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23 March 2023

Tony's is at the top of the list of most sustainable brands in the Netherlands

Wow! We are again at the top of the list of most sustainable brands in the Netherlands in the Sustainable Brand Index, chosen by consumers. Together with the other leaders De Vegetarische Slager, Valess and Dopper. Sooo...choco fans, thank you for voting. But really! It's that we're already red...

Wow! We are again at the top of the list of most sustainable brands in the Netherlands in the Sustainable Brand Index, chosen by consumers. Together with the other leaders De Vegetarische Slager, Valess and Dopper. Sooo...choco fans, thank you for voting. But really! It's that we are already red..

We do it together
We proudly accept this award again. We are an impact company that makes chocolate, not the other way around. Our mission is to make all chocolate 100% slave-free. This means that we not only want to make our own chocolate 100% slave-free, but all chocolate worldwide. This award shows that we are making good progress, but... that is not nearly enough. Because we need the entire industry to join us. That's why we invite other chocolate companies to join Tony's Open Chain and join us in setting a new social and sustainable standard in the industry.  

And luckily a lot of them are already doing that! Over the past year we have welcomed new partners again. O.a. Ben & Jerry's, The Flower Farm and PLUS supermarket now also purchase traceable cocoa via Tony's Open Chain, for which farmers are paid a higher price. Nice then! And then of course you, as a chocolate fan. Because with every bite you take or bar you share, you participate in our mission. So share our chocolate and share our story. Because only together can we make 100% slave-free the norm in chocolate.  
Or in the words of our “Duchess Chocopreme” Ester:

“We are very proud that we have been declared the most sustainable brand in the Netherlands for the 5th time. Especially in these times, we want to emphasize the word 'together' in our mission for 100% slave-free chocolate. We believe that companies have a responsibility to make the world more social and sustainable. We can only achieve that social and sustainable world 'together'. We want to set a good example and inspire other companies to join us. We also call on politicians to introduce the International Responsible Business Act (IVMO). So that human rights violations and environmental pollution come to an end and a level playing field is created for all companies to take their responsibility. Because only together can we make 100% slave-free the norm in chocolate.”

A big chocolate high five for the other winners. Together with De Vegetarische Slager, Valess and Dopper, we fill the glasses with chocolate milk to toast it together!

About the Sustainable Brand Index
Sustainable Brand Index is the largest and leading research in Europe in the field of consumer brands and sustainability. Based on an independent study of more than 58,000 interviews among consumers, sustainability, branding and communication of consumer brands are mapped and analyzed. For more information, visit the the Sustainable Brand Index

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