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09 June 2021

we sent a letter to the informant

Do you remember... that legislation that needs to be introduced to make companies responsible for abuses in their chain? Well... in our opinion, this law has been waiting far too long. That's why we sent the informant a letter!

Do you remember that legislation that needs to be introduced to make companies responsible for abuses in their chain? And what did you sign the petition for? That yes! Well, uh... that law for Sustainable and Responsible International Business must be introduced, according to us, according to you and a lot of others. Because in recent years it has become clear that non-binding initiatives by companies do not work and that they are still guilty of human rights violations or environmental damage on a large scale. But hey... that law is taking far too long.

Legislative proposals submitted
You previously saw that Joël Voordewind in the Netherlands and Lara Wolters in the EU submitted a bill. Nice job of course, but then something has to be done about it now.

Letter calling for legislation
That is why we sent this week on behalf of various companies and organizations that are affiliated with the IDVO network a letter to informant Mariëtte Hamer. To further emphasize the importance of national and European legislation. In the letter we also argue for strong Dutch legislation as an important stepping stone towards ambitious European legislation. In order to increase support in Europe and show that it is possible.

The momentum is now! There is currently a lot of talk about a new government and a coalition agreement. And... legislation that forces companies to seriously tackle negative impacts on human rights and the environment in their chain must be included!

You can read the entire letter here:

Read the entire letter hereSign our petition

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