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17 January 2024

National warning: be careful with the milk caramel sea salt!

National warning to everyone with good intentions: BEWARE with the milk caramel sea salt! It has been scientifically proven that the combination of caramel and sea salt is so addictive that you cannot stop eating it.

National warning to everyone with good intentions: BEWARE with the milk caramel sea salt!

It has been scientifically proven that the combination of caramel and sea salt is so addictive that you cannot stop eating it. That is important now because in the 3rd week of January people are throwing their good intentions overboard en masse. We do this through billboards throughout the country, warning signs in supermarkets and specially designed chocolate bar tape. So be warned about the caramel sea salt effect! 

the caramel sea salt effect will ruin your good intentions
The University of Florida has scientifically proven that caramel sea salt is irresistible. When you take a bite of something that is sweet, salty or fatty, your brain keeps asking for more, even though you are full. That is why we are issuing a national warning.

Especially in a month when many people want to live a healthier lifestyle, we would like to issue a warning to be careful with this bar. Because if you walk past the chocolate aisle in the supermarket in the 3rd week of January, there is a good chance that your healthy intentions will be shattered because of the caramel sea salt effect.

chocolate bar tape< br>To protect chocolate fans from themselves and to give an extra helping hand to keep their good intentions afloat, we have designed a special yellow chocolate bar tape in different variants: 'be careful with this', 'dangerous', 'stay away then'. This chocolate bar tape is available in Tony's Super Store in the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam.

the bar that changed the chocolate shelf
The milk caramel sea salt celebrated its 10th anniversary last year and it is the bar with which we changed the chocolate aisle forever. The bar was introduced in 2013 at a time when milk, dark, white and milk hazelnut dominate the shelves and only a small part of the chocolate is certified (by, for example, Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance). From that moment on, the chocolate shelf has undergone a huge change in both taste and supply of fair trade chocolate. This impact is visible to this day.

The milk caramel sea salt is still one of the best-selling bars in the Netherlands and more than 50 million have already been sold.

sin = make an impact
In addition to its addictive nature, this bar is a real impact maker. Because for all the cocoa beans in this bar, Tony's always pays the price for a living income to cocoa farmers for 100% traceable beans. This means that they know exactly where, how and by whom the beans are produced, and the price can be paid directly to the farmer.

The price that Tony's pays is on average 50% higher than that paid by other chocolate brands. for cocoa from Côte d'Ivoire. This is important, because there are currently more than 1.5 million children working on cocoa plantations in West Africa. This is because farmers live in deep poverty, which means they feel forced to let their children work on the plantation. By paying a higher price in the long term, this is put an end to poverty and illegal child labor. Yep, at the cocoa cooperatives that Tony's has worked with for a long time, the percentage of child labor drops to <5% (vs. industry average of <50%) and no deforestation occurs.

You can imagine that by With all those bars sold, a lot of impact has been made. And anyone who does sin can rest assured that cocoa farmers have been paid a fair price.

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