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20 March 2024

Tony's wins Chocolate Scorecard's Achievement Award 

Woohoo! For the 5th time in a row, Tony's scores very high on the Chocolate Scorecard. For that and because we once again set a good example, we won the Achievement Award. A choc-tastic way to celebrate our impact in cocoa.

Woohoo! For the 5th time in a row, Tony's scores very high on the Chocolate Scorecard. For that and because we once again set a good example, we won the Achievement Award. A choc-tastic way to celebrate our impact in cocoa.  

The Chocolate Scorecard is an annual independent survey by the NGOs Be Slavery Free and Mighty Earth and other non-profits and universities. They show how chocolate brands are doing in the areas of fair cocoa purchasing, sustainability and working conditions. And they celebrate leaders in the industry and name the chocolate brands that can (and should) do better. 

So, how did we do? Nice that you asked! Tony's scores green in the categories sustainability, living income, child labor, deforestation and agroforestry. Just like last year. Those green check marks are a direct result of our 5 cooperation principles, our way of purchasing cocoa. We always pay farmers a living income for 100% traceable cocoa beans. By paying this higher price directly to cocoa farmers, we put an end to illegal labor, child labor and deforestation in cocoa. 

Our score in chemicals and pesticides is still yellow. Yep... we're not perfect either. But we naturally strive to score green in all areas, so that we make as much impact as possible. Last year we also scored yellow, because we are not organic. This is a conscious choice, because it allows as many cocoa farmers as possible to participate in our mission. This year, the folks at the Chocolate Scorecard said that organic isn't the only way to sustainably control pests. It is important to mention that we only use pesticides when absolutely necessary, and we always follow the standards of Fairtrade + Rainforest Alliance. 

Together we change the norm
And... you know who could have done it better? Big Choco. You see that they often score yellow, orange and red. A bitter edge to their chocolate claims.

As our own Joke, Tony's Open Chain Lead, says: “ It's great that our commitment to making a positive impact has been recognized with this Achievement Award for the 5th time in a row. We are very happy with that. But of course we had hoped that more bigger players would show improvement. We have been proving for years that our way of working can easily be adopted by any company. So we invite all other chocolate companies to join us and purchase cocoa in a fair manner through Tony's Open Chain.”

Although it is time for Big Choco to get started, we are very happy to see that other choco pioneers are putting people + planet first. Because to change the industry worldwide we need everyone. Only together can we put an end to exploitation in cocoa.

Psst.. still looking for chocolate for your (Easter) basket? Here you can see how your favorite brands have done and it will be even easier to choose chocolate that has nothing to hide. 

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